Hello! My name is Michaela, welcome to my online blog where I post book reviews and possibly other bookish related content! I started this blog in January of 2025 as a way to share my book reviews, and love of books with you!
About my blog name, bumblebeesbookreviews: my first ever pet that was my very own, I got when I started college, a little blonde chihuahua, who I named Bumble (after Bumble the abominable snowman from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer). With the name Bumble, of course nicknames turned into Bumble Bee, and Bee, etc (ok he had probably 100 different nicknames that were completely unrelated to Bumble or bee as well lol). Bumble became my constant companion, my everything, especially having gone to college on the other side of the country from where I grew up. It is amazing how close you can become to a pet, he was my child, my best friend, always there, always excited to see me. I could never ever imagine a day without him, but that unfortunate day did come. My little Bumble passed away in 2023 at almost 16 years old, and I have named my socials and my blog after him, to honor all the love he gave me throughout his life. Call me crazy because, yes he was a dog, but he was also my familiar, my patronus, my love, and the bond I had with him was very strong.
So I chose to combine two of my favorite things, my Bumble, and books, and create the name bumblebeesbookreviews, plus it does sort of roll off the tongue nicely!
More about me: I have always loved reading, and books, since I was able to read, I have been reading. I remember when I was in elementary school, and we would visit the school library, I would try to find the biggest chapter books I could, because I just thought it was super cool to read a big book like that. I loved getting those free personal pizzas too with the book-its, I hope they still do that for kids!
I love books so much, I switched my undergrad degree from nursing (well mostly because I realized I can’t handle blood or needles lol) to English Literature, and got my Bachelors in English Lit. I did get an MBA as well, but my undergrad was a really fun degree, basically all the Lit classes were reading, and writing essays (less of an enjoyable part). Who knew that one day I would actually be writing reviews for books online, it seems almost like writing an essay for class, but with a lot less pressure and well no rules around what, why, or how long the reviews are!
My other hobbies include my pets (I currently have 4 dogs – 2 pugs Lexi and Buttercup, a chihuahua thing Miss Fishy, and a Chow Sam, and a black cat named Miss Kitty, very original name, I know), as well as working out, and trying to get my house organized and less messy (ok that isn’t so much a hobby as something I am trying to work on lol). I also enjoy hiking (don’t do it nearly enough), going to movies, watching lots of shows, and going to concerts. I also have a full time job, but that is also less of a hobby more of a way to support my pets and my book buying habits.
I do have, as of 2024, my own personal library, which is what really launched my book reviewing. I have always read books, but I hadn’t actually really started writing reviews until 2024. I wanted to show off my library, and that turned into book reviewing, as well as learning what an ARC is, and signing up for way too many at once, a problem I have yet to manage to stop. My dream is to have all my bookshelves filled with physical books one day, and then expand it to an even larger library.
Come and join me on my book reading and reviewing journey!